Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that compares two adjacent elements and swaps them until they are not in the intended order. Just like the movement of air bubbles in the water that rise up to the surface, each element of the array move to the end in each iteration. Therefore, it is called a bubble sort.

Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that places an unsorted element at its suitable place in each iteration. Insertion sort works similarly as we sort cards in our hand in a card game. We assume that the first card is already sorted then, we select an unsorted card. If the unsorted card is greater than the card in hand, it is placed on the right otherwise, to the left. In the same way, other unsorted cards are taken and put in their right place.

Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that selects the smallest element from an unsorted list in each iteration and places that element at the beginning of the unsorted list.


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